Shri Ram Centennial School


The Shri Ram Centennial School follows the CBSE pattern, incorporating the guidelines given under the National Education Policy ( NEP ) .

Students of Classes Nursery to XII are given a conducive environment for Academics and Activities. We recognize that every Child is unique and has multiple intelligences. Keeping this in mind there are a variety of methods used for imparting Education.

We have introduced three Academic Systems at SRCS.    
They are :

Genesis for classes Nursery, LKG and UKG. The Pre-primary block, Genesis builds the very first foundation on which the structure of school education is based. The seeds of formal education are sown here.

Ascent for classes I to V. A bridge between Genesis and Zenith, Ascent, Crest provides accelerated learning and ideal opportunities for Students to climb steadily.

Crest for classes VI to X. Continuing the journey from Ascent, comes Crest, the third stage of education at SRCS, which focuses on the development of critical learning abilites in students.

Zenith for classes XI to XII. This is the highest stage of school education. Zenith prepares adolescents to face challenges in the successive stages of their academic career and build responsible citizens.

These academic systems ensure that your Children get the best possible education by the best possible Educators.

The curriculum provides activities that include:

  • Integrated topic studies, rather than whole-group instruction in isolated skills
  • Opportunities for children to learn by observing and experimenting with real objects
  • A balance of child- and teacher-initiated activities
  • Opportunities for spontaneous play and teacher-facilitated activities
  • Group projects in which cooperation can occur naturally
  • A range of activities requiring the use of large and small muscles
  • Exposure to good literature and music of the children’s own cultures and of other cultures represented in the class
  • Authentic assessment of each child’s developmental progress
  • Opportunities for children with diverse backgrounds and developmental levels to participate in whole-group activities
  • Time for individuals or small groups of children to meet with the teacher for specific help in acquiring basic reading, writing, mathematical and other skills as needed.

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