Shri Ram Centennial School

Principals Message


Greetings from the Principal’s desk!

Nelson Mandela rightly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

SRCS imparts value and skill-based education bringing out the best in every child. We focus primarily on preparing our students to be worthy citizens, refined in heart and mind and skilled enough to achieve paramount goals. We want that our students brim with confidence and emerge as the leaders of tomorrow who contribute towards building a conscientious society.

As I embark upon this new journey as the Principal of SRCS, I assure that each child will venture ahead and spread his/her wings in this spectacular valley of education, while giving them state-of-the-art- infrastructure and a robust curriculum that opens the door to global platforms for them. I’m sure I will be able to instil values, inspire and produce competent, efficacious and informed individuals with a broad spectrum of interests.

Please feel free to reach out to me for any further assistance.


Blessings and best wishes!!



Monika Sehgal


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