Dear Parents
The Parent-Teacher Meeting (Result PTM) for Classes Nur to UKG and VI to VIII has been rescheduled to Thursday, 20th March 2025 and for Classes I to V on Friday, 21st March 2025 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
Students must accompany their parents in their regular school uniform.
Wish you all a very HAPPY HOLI!
Dear Parents
A Parent-Teacher Meeting (Result PTM) for classes IX & XI is scheduled on Saturday, 8 March 2025, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.
Students are supposed to come in their school uniform
Dear Parents
We, at SRCS, believe in holistic education system, where, along with nurturing excellence in academics, we also generate opportunities for children to participate in varied extra-curricular activities.
Please find attached a copy of Crest E - News Letter containing the highlights of the academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities organised in the school in the month of February.
Instructions For Students
Annual Examinations 2024-25
8:20 AM - Arrival of Students
8:20 AM to 8:30 AM - Settling time. Folders will be provided by Examination department in classes.
8:30 AM to 8:45 AM - Reading time for students
8:45 AM to 11:45 AM - Writing time
11:45 AM to 11:55 AM – Answer sheets collection from respective classrooms
11:55 AM to 12:15 PM - Lunch (The students availing for meals will go to mess. Remaining students will sit in the class)
12:15 PM – 12:20 PM – Dispersal
Students will be subjected to extensive and compulsory physical frisking before entering the examination centre.
(a) Admit Card & School Identity Card
(b) Stationery item i.e., Blue and Black pens, scale, geometry instruments, writing pad, eraser, sharpener.
(a) Watches (both analogue watch and smart watch) mobile phones, bluetooth earphones, calculator, log table, pen drive, rough papers, chits and any religious/non-religious ornaments.
(b) Eatable items shall be kept in the bags by the children.
(c) Any other item which could be used for unfair means.
(d) Use of above or similar items will be treated under “Unfair Means” category and will attract punishment as per rules.
Wednesday and Saturday – Sports Uniform
Other Days – Regular School Uniform
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
Kindly note that from March 1, 2025, the school timings for Nursery to Class VIII and XI will be 8:20 am to 12:20 pm.
School buses will ply accordingly.
Self commuters should adhere to the same.
Dear Parents
Please note that tomorrow, Friday, 28th February 2025, on the day of GK / ICT Examination, the School will get over at 12:40 pm for classes I to VIII
Buses will ply accordingly.
Self commuters should adhere to the same.
Dear Students
As you prepare for your upcoming annual examinations, we extend our best wishes for your success. Stay focused, manage your time wisely and approach each paper with confidence.
Please find attached seating plan for the upcoming examinations. Kindly review it carefully and ensure you are seated in the designated place as per the schedule.
Wishing you all the best for your exams!
Download Attachment
Dear Parents/Students
Greetings from SRCS!!
Please be informed that the school will remain closed for all classes (Nursery to IX & XI) on Wednesday, 12th February 2025, on account of Sant Ravidas Jayanti
The exam scheduled for class IX tomorrow will be conducted on 25th February 2025.
9:00 am Arrival of Students
9:00 am to 9:10 am Settling time. Folders will be provided by Examination department in classes.
9:10 am to 9:20 am Reading time for students - Distribution of QPs at 09:10am; Answer-scripts at 09:15 am.
9:20 am to 12:20 pm Writing time
12:20 pm to 12:25 pm Collection of Answer scripts
12:25 pm to 12:45 pm Lunch (Students availing meals will go to the mess. Remaining students will sit in the class)
12:45 pm to 12:50 pm Dispersal
Students will be subjected to extensive and compulsory physical frisking before entering the examination centre.
(a) Admit Card & School Identity Card
(b) Stationery item i.e., four blue and black ball pens, scale, geometry instruments, writing pad, eraser, sharpener should be kept in a transparent pouch only, transparent water bottle.
(a) Watches (both analogue watch and smart watch) mobile phones, bluetooth earphones, calculator, log table, pen drive, rough papers, chits and any religious/non-religious ornaments.
(b) Eatable items shall be kept in the bags by the children.
(c) Any other item which could be used for unfair means.
(d) Use of above or similar items will be treated under “Unfair Means” category and will attract punishment as per rules.
Wednesday/Saturday – Sports Uniform
Other Days – Regular School Uniform
Download Attachment
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!!
Your ward is appearing for Boards this year. You may collect your ward's Admit Card on Saturday, 8th February 2025 between 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon for class XII & 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm for class X.
Ensure that all dues (school fees included transport + meal, if availed) are cleared.
Admit cards will be issued to those who have no dues.
Students need to come in proper school uniform with parents to collect the admit card.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear Parents
This is to remind that the Final Examinations are scheduled to begin from February, 2025.
The printed copy of the Admit Card has been given to the students in the Almanac.
You may also download the same from the "Results" tab on ERP.
Ensure your child carries the Admit Card during all the Examinations to avoid the inconvenience.
If you have not received the Admit card, kindly get in touch with the class teacher.
Thank you
Best regards
Dear Parent
Greetings from SRCS !
Please find attached the Date Sheet for the Final Term Examination along with the corresponding PTM date.
Download Attachment
Dear Students
As we approach the final exams, revision tests have been scheduled to help you assess your preparation and strengthen your understanding of key concepts. These tests will be conducted as per the schedule attached. The chapters from which the revision will be taken will be communicated by the subject teacher on ERP .
We encourage you to take these tests seriously, as they will help you identify areas for improvement and boost your confidence for the final exams. Ensure regular revision, clarify your doubts with teachers, and attempt these tests with full sincerity.
Wishing you all the best!
Download Attachment
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!
PFA the Date Sheet,Syllabus and Blueprint of Annual Examination 2024-25. In case of any query,kindly contact the Subject teacher/Class Teacher.
Download Attachment
Greetings from SRCS!
PFA the Date Sheet,Syllabus and Blueprint of Annual Examination 2024-25. In case of any query,kindly contact the Subject teacher/Class Teacher.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!
PFA the Date Sheet,Syllabus and Blueprint of Annual Examination 2024-25. In case of any query,kindly contact the Subject teacher/Class Teacher.
Download Attachment
Dear Students/ Parents
Greetings from SRCS!!
Please note the revised school timings from Monday, 27 January 2025 :
Nursery to UKG: 9:00 am to 12:50 pm
Classes I to IX & XI : 9:00am to 2:20 pm
Buses will ply accordingly.
Own commuters are requested to adhere to the new schedule and ensure timely arrival at school.
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!
This is to inform that the Sanskrit test (PT4) for Classes 6 to 8, originally scheduled for 13th January, 2025 has been postponed. It will now be held on 27th January,2025.
Please ensure that your child is prepared accordingly.
Thank you for your understanding.
Dear Parent
This is to remind you that ISSO(International Social Studies Olympiad)for classes 3 to 10 ( for the students who have registered) is scheduled on the 23rd January ,2025.
Ensure your child attends the school.
There will be regular school after International Social Studies Olympiad. Kindly send bag according to Praxis.
Dear Students
This is to inform that the Class 10 group photograph will be taken on 22nd January 2025. Your presence is mandatory to ensure that the entire batch is part of this memorable event.
Please ensure that you are in
your complete and proper school uniform with blazer and identity card.
This photograph will serve as a cherished memory of school days, so we look forward to seeing every one of you present.
Let’s make this moment count together!
Thank you!
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!
This is to inform that the school will reopen on Monday, 20th January 2025 for classes Nursery to XI.
Class XII will have Board Practical Exams as per the schedule already circulated.
The school timings for classes Nursery to UKG will be 10:00 am to 1:00 pm and for classes I to XI will be 10 am to 2:20 pm.
Buses will ply accordingly.
In case of any changes to this schedule, we will inform you promptly.
Dear Students
Please note that the Preboard 2 examination for Mathematics will now be conducted on 20th January 2025.
For the optional subjects , a practical exam will be taken. The dates will be notified during the next exam.
Also note that CBSE Board practical examination for Class X Computer Applications (165) will be conducted on 22nd January, 2025 in the computer lab.
Kindly submit the lab manual on the practical examination date.
Students must come in school winter uniform.
Thank you!
Dear Parent
This is to remind you that ICSO(International Computer Science Olympiad)for classes 3 to 10 ( for the students who have registered) is scheduled on the 21st January ,2025.
Ensure your child attends the school.
There will be regular school after International Computer Science Olympiad. Kindly send bag according to Praxis.
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!
This is to inform you that the school will remain closed for classes IX, X and XI on 16th and 17th January 2025.
Class XII will have Board Practical Exams as per the schedule already circulated.
Dear Parent
As per orders received by the District Administration, school will remain closed for classes Nursery to VIII on 16th and 17th January.
Online classes will be conducted on 16th and 17th January , PT-4, scheduled on these days will be conducted during the online classes itself.
School will remain open for classes IX to XI from 10 am to 2 pm.
Class XII Board Practical Exams will be conducted as per schedule.
Guidelines for Online PT-4
1. Kindly note that the Periodic Test paper will be uploaded on ERP Home Work module by 9:45 am.
2. The paper uploaded will be shared on the screen by the invigilator in the period test period.
3. Students need to turn on their camera with clear facial vision & turn off their microphone.
4. Students can raise their hand in case of any query or doubt.
5. A total time of 40 minutes will be provided to solve the paper of 20 marks.
6. Parents are requested to help the child in submitting the scanned copy of answer sheets [PDF format only) on ERP Home Work Module within 15 minutes after the test.
7. Student should write ONLY answers on a separate sheet or the subject notebook.
Note the important timeline:
Paper uploading time: 9:45 am
PT period: 10:00 am - 10:40 am
Submission Time: 10:40 am to 10:55 am
Dear Parents
Greetings from SRCS!
This is to inform you that the school will reopen on Wednesday, 15th January 2025 for classes Nursery to XI.
Class XII will have Board Practical Exams as per the schedule already circulated.
The school timings for all classes will be 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
In case of any changes to this schedule, we will inform you promptly.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Dear Students,
Please find attached instructions for Pre-board 2 examinations.
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
As per orders received from the District Administration, the school will remain closed for classes Nursery to XII on 13th and 14th January 2025 on account of extreme cold weather. Online classes will resume as per schedule and links shared via ERP E-Connect.
NOTE: School Fee counter will remain open from 9 am to 2:30 pm
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for Annual Examination.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
As per orders received from the District Administration, the school will remain closed for classes Nursery to XII from 9th to 11th January 2025 on account of extreme cold weather.
1. Online classes will be conducted for classes Nursery to XI from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
2. Class XII will have their Board Practical Exam as per the schedule circulated to them previously.
3. Class teachers will share the links for Online classes through ERP E-Connect.
4. School Fee counter will remain open from 9 am to 2:30 pm
Dear Students
As per orders received from the District Administration, the school will remain closed till 8th January 2025.
Therefore,the Pre-board 2 examination scheduled for 8th January 2025 has been postponed. The new date for this particular exam will be shared soon. The remaining exam schedule remains unchanged.
Dear Parent
As per orders received from the District Administration, the school will remain closed for classes Nursery to XII on the 7th and 8th January 2025 on account of extreme cold weather.
School will reopen on 9th January 2025.
Timings will be circulated soon.
NOTE: School Fee counter will remain open from 9 am to 2:30 pm
Dear Parent
Greetings from SRCS !
Winter break for classes Nursery to XII begins from 30th December 2024
School will reopen on 7th January 2025 for all classes.
School timings will be as follows :
Nursery to UKG- 9:00 am to 1:10 pm.
I to XII- 9:00 am to 2:20 pm.
SRCS wishes you all a very Happy New Year in advance.
Dear Parents,
Please find the attached datesheet of Pre-board 2
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-4.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-4.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-4.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-4.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parents
PFA the Datesheet for Periodic Test 4 . Syllabus and Blue print will be shared soon.
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
This is to remind you that IHO (International Hindi Olympiad) for classes 3-10 ( for the students who have registered) is scheduled on the 17th of December, 2024.
Ensure your child attends the school.
There will be regular school after International Hindi Olympiad. Kindly send bag according to Praxis.
Dear Parent
This is to remind you that IMO (International Mathematics Olympiad) for classes 1-10 ( for the students who registered) is scheduled on the 12th of December, 2024.
Ensure your child attends the school.
There will be regular school after International Mathematics Olympiad. Kindly send bag according to Praxis.
Dear Parents
Please note the school winter timings to be followed with effect from Monday, 9th December 2024:
Nursery, LKG & UKG: 8:20 am to 12:50 pm
I to XII: 8:20 am to 2:20 pm
Buses will ply accordingly.
Also note that students must wear proper winter uniform from 9th December 2024.
Dear Parent/ Student
We are delighted to present the CREST E- Newsletter—a vibrant platform where our students shine through their creativity and we celebrate the month’s memorable moments.
November was a month filled with enthusiasm and boundless energy, with the Class Annual Days stealing the spotlight. This year’s theme, Shivoham, was brought to life with grace and grandeur.
We cherished the moments that made November truly unforgettable!
Team Crest
Dear Parent
This is to remind you that NSO(National Science Olympiad)for classes 1 to 10 ( for the students who have registered) is scheduled on the 3rd December, 2024.
Ensure your child attends the school.
There will be regular school after National Science Olympiad. Kindly send bag according to Praxis.
Dear Parents
This is to inform you that, due to the working day scheduled on the third Saturday of this month ,the school will remain closed for students of classes Nursery to VIII on Saturday, 30th November 2024.
Dear Students,
We hope your preparations for upcoming examination are in full swing.
Please find attached instructions and seating plan for Pre-board 1 starting from 2nd December 2024.
Download Attachment Download Attachment
Dear Students
The datesheet for the upcoming CBSE Board examinations is now available. Please find the attached document.
Prepare well.
Best of luck!
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
Preboard examinations for class X are beginning from 2nd December, 2024. We understand the anxiousness of the students to prepare for the exams. To ease their distress, the school has decided to change the school timings for students of class X. Effective from Monday, 18th November, 2024, the school will get over at 12:30 p.m .
Buses will ply accordingly.
Note- No early going will be allowed for students from now onwards.
Dear Parent
We are celebrating Children’s Day tomorrow, 14th November 2024.
Kindly note the following points:
School will get over at 11 a.m.
Students are requested to carry a small bag containing water bottle, school almanac, and a light tiffin.
Students availing school meals will be served light refreshments.
Students can come in comfortable casual dress.
Dear Parents
At SRCS, we believe in a holistic education system where we nurture excellence in academics while also creating opportunities for students to engage in a variety of extracurricular activities.
Please find attached a copy of Ascent - our E-Newsletter, which highlights the academic, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities organized at the school.
Dear Parent,
PFA the E-Newsletter for the month of October 2024.
Happy browsing!
Dear Student/Parent
Kindly go through the following list for the picnic to be held on 7th of November 2024 :-
Mandatory items:
Optional Items:
Prohibited Items:
Teacher’s Details:
Dear Parents
Please note the school winter timings to be followed with effect from Monday, 4th November 2024:
Nursery, LKG & UKG: 7:45 am to 12:30 pm
I to XII: 7:45 am to 1:50 pm
Buses will ply accordingly.
Also note that students must wear proper winter uniform from 4th November 2024.
Dear Parents/Guardians
We are pleased to inform you that our school is organising a picnic for classes IX to XII. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to relax, have fun, and enjoy a day filled with activities and bonding with their peers and teachers.
Details of the Picnic:
Date: Thursday, 7th November 2024
Venue: Rangmanch , Gurugram
Dress Code: House Uniform
Amount to be paid : Rs.1750/-
Last date for payment 5th November 2024. Amount to be submitted to the class teacher.
Students are requested to arrive at school at 5:00 AM sharp, as we will depart immediately after assembly at 5:15 AM sharp. The picnic will conclude by 9:30 PM. Parents are requested to pick up their children from the school premises.
We encourage all students to participate in this event and look forward to creating memories together.
Thank & Regards
Monika Sehgal
Dear Parents
Students of classes Nursery to XII should come dressed in decent traditional attire tomorrow, 29th October 2024, to embrace the festive spirit on the occasion of Diwali.
Dress code:
Boys: Kurta Pyjamas
Girls: Suits (No make up)
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-3.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parents
We are delighted to inform you that we have received an overwhelming response for the Victory Adventure Camp!
To ensure that each child receives individual attention, we have planned to organize the camp for two days i.e. November 8 and 9 (Friday & Saturday)
Please note the schedule:
Nursery to Class III: Friday, November 8, 2024
Class IV to VIII: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Dress code: Sports uniform
Timings will be intimated a day prior.
We appreciate your continued cooperation and support as always.
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-3.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-3.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for PT-3.
For any query please contact the Class/Subject Teacher(s).
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet for Periodic Test-3
Syllabus and Blue Print will be shared soon.
Download Attachment
Dear Parent
PFA the Datesheet for Periodic Test-3
Syllabus and Blue Print will be shared soon.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents/Students
Greetings for the day!!
We are pleased to inform you that our school will be conducting various SOF Olympiad exams for the students. These Olympiads are a great opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge, enhance their critical thinking, and compete at a national level.
We encourage you to motivate your child to participate and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. For more details regarding registration and exam schedules, please contact the class teacher.
NSO (National Science Olympiad) - 3rd December 2024
IMO ( International Mathematics Olympiad) - 12th December 2024
International Computer Science Olympiad- 21st January 2025
International Social Studies Olympiad- 23rd January 2025
International Hindi Olympiad- 17th December 2024
Registration fee per Olympiad is Rs. 150
Last date of submission of Olympiad fee is Monday ,21st of October 2024.
Dear Parent /Student
This is to remind that 19th October, 2024 (3rd Saturday) will be a regular working day for classes Nursery to XII.
Kindly refer to the Praxis for the schedule.
Dear Parents
Please be informed that it is mandatory for students(girls) to wear black cycling shorts underneath their divided skirts.
Dear Parents
Kindly ensure that your child attends the school regularly. No work done in the school will be uploaded on ERP, from Monday (7th October 2024 ) onwards.
Dear Parents/Students
Greetings from SRCS !!
Kindly note that on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti i.e. on 2nd October, school will get over at 10:20 am for classes Nursery to XII
Buses will ply accordingly.
Monika Sehgal
Dear Parents/Students
Greetings from SRCS!
As per the orders received from the District Administration, school will remain closed tomorrow i.e. on Thursday , 19th September 2024, for classes Nursery to IV considering heavy rainfall warning issued by the Meteorological Department.
Please note classes V to XII already had a preparatory leave as per the examination date sheet.
Be safe!!
Dear Parents/Students
Greetings from SRCS!
As per the orders received from the District Administration, school will remain closed tomorrow i.e. on Friday, 13th September 2024, for classes Nursery to XII, considering heavy rainfall warning issued by the Meteorological Department.
Be safe!!
Dear Parents/Students
As per orders received from the District Administration, tomorrow 12th September will be a holiday for all classes from Nursery to XII.
Half yearly exam scheduled for classes VI to VIII and classes XI and XII has been postponed to 30th September '24.
Dear Parents / Students
Greetings from SRCS Agra!
Kindly note the school schedule from Wednesday, 11th September ‘24 to Friday, 27th September ‘24 for classes Nursery to XII is as follows:
Please feel free to reach out to us for any further queries/concerns.
Greetings from the Principal’s desk!
Nelson Mandela rightly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”
SRCS imparts value and skill-based education bringing out the best in every child. We focus primarily on preparing our students to be worthy citizens, refined in heart and mind and skilled enough to achieve paramount goals. We want that our students brim with confidence and emerge as the leaders of tomorrow who contribute towards building a conscientious society.
As I embark upon this new journey as the Principal of SRCS, I assure that each child will venture ahead and spread his/her wings in this spectacular valley of education, while giving them state-of-the-art- infrastructure and a robust curriculum that opens the door to global platforms for them. I’m sure I will be able to instil values, inspire and produce competent, efficacious and informed individuals with a broad spectrum of interests.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any further assistance.
Blessings and best wishes!!
Monika Sehgal
Dear Parents,
Teacher’s Day celebration is scheduled on the 5th of September, 2024.
Kindly note the change in the school timings for the day.
Nursery to Class XII: 7:15 am - 10 am
Participants will stay back till 1:30 p.m.
Buses will ply accordingly.
Best Regards,
Dear Parents,
This is to remind that the Half Yearly Examinations are scheduled to begin from the 2nd week of September, 2024.
The printed copy of the Admit Card has been given to the students in the Almanac.
You may also download the same from the "Results" tab on ERP.
Ensure your child carries the Admit Card during all the Examinations to avoid the inconvenience.
If you have not received the Admit card, kindly get in touch with the class teacher.
Thank you
Best regards,
National Sports Day 2024, celebrated on August 29th, celebrated annually in India, honours the birth anniversary of Major Dhyan Chand, one of the greatest field hockey players in history.
Famously known as the “Wizard of Hockey,” Dhyan Chand made significant contributions to India’s national sport—hockey, bringing immense pride to the nation.
Dear Parents,
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for Half-Yearly Examination.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for Half-Yearly Examination.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for Half-Yearly Examination.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for Half-Yearly Examination.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
PFA the Datesheet, Syllabus and Blueprint for Half-Yearly Examination.
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
We hope this message finds you well. Please find attached schedule and syllabus for the upcoming Half- Yearly Examination . We kindly request you to review the details to help your child prepare effectively.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Admit card can be downloaded from 1st September 2024.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
We hope this message finds you well. Please find attached schedule and syllabus for the upcoming September Assessment Tests. We kindly request you to read the details to help your child prepare effectively.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Admit card can be downloaded from 1st September 2024.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
We hope this message finds you well. Please find attached schedule and syllabus for the upcoming September Assessment Tests. We kindly request you to read the details to help your child prepare effectively.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Admit card can be downloaded from 1st September 2024.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
We hope this message finds you well. Please find attached schedule and syllabus for the upcoming September Assessment Tests. We kindly request you to read the details to help your child prepare effectively.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Admit card can be downloaded from 1st September 2024.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
We hope this message finds you well. Please find attached schedule and syllabus for the upcoming September Assessment Tests. We kindly request you to read the details to help your child prepare effectively.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Admit card can be downloaded from 1st September 2024.
Thank you for your continued support.
Warm regards,
Download Attachment
Dear Parent,
PFA Datesheet for the upcoming Half-Yearly Examination 2024-25, syllabus and blueprint of the question paper will be shared soon.
Printout of the same will be distributed tomorrow during PTM.
Admit Card can be downloaded from 1st of September, 2024
Download Attachment
Dear Parent,
On completion of 77 years of independence, we celebrate our 78th Independence Day on 15th August 2024.
The theme for this year's celebrations is "Viksit Bharat," or "Developing India," which aligns with the Indian government's vision to transform the nation into a developed country by 2047, coinciding with the centenary of independence.
Student attendance is mandatory.
7:15 AM - 9 AM.
Buses will ply accordingly.
Dress code -
Regular School Uniform
Happy Independence Day!
Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce that admissions for the academic year 2025-26 will begin from 10th August 2024!
Let’s spread the word to our near and dear ones!
Warm regards,
Download Attachment
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming Parent-Teacher Meeting. This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss your child's progress and address any concerns you may have.
Date: 17th August
Day : Saturday
Time Slots:
- Roll no. 1 to 10: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
- Roll no. 11 to 20: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM
- Roll no. 21 onwards: 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
We look forward to your presence and active participation.
Please be on time.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Team , SRCS
*Date:* 9 August ,2024
*Time:* House Activity Periods
*Venue:* Mini Auditorium, First Floor
Dear Students,
We are thrilled to announce an exciting Cosplay -Fancy Dress Competition! This event invites all participants to bring their favorite characters to life through creative and imaginative costumes. Whether you are inspired by comic books, anime, movies, or video games, this is your chance to showcase your talent and passion for cosplay.
*Event Details:*
- *Theme:* Cosplay (Character from Comics, Anime, Movies, Video Games, etc.)
- *Categories:*
- Individual
- Pair
1. *Costume Requirements:* Participants must dress as a character from their chosen genre. The costume should be original, safe, and respectful of all cultural sensitivities.
2. *Registration:* Please register by 8 August,2024 to your class teacher. Early registration is encouraged.
3. *Judging Criteria:* Creativity, authenticity, craftsmanship, and overall presentation will be evaluated by our panel of judges.
We encourage everyone to participate and make this event a memorable one. For any inquiries or further information, please contact Ms. Anisha .
Let’s celebrate the art of cosplay and have fun!
Warm regards
Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce that on 3rd August, we will be hosting a fun day for the students! Please note that school dispersal will be earlier than usual, at 12 o'clock noon.
Best regards,
Dear Parents
Computer Applications test scheduled on 7th of May,2024 is rescheduled to 10th of May,2024 due to elections in Agra.
Dear Parents,
On behalf of the entire SRCS family, it is with great pleasure and excitement, we extend a heartfelt welcome. As we are thrilled to embark on this journey of learning and growth together.
Let’s create a history with maximum students blowing Conch (Shankh) for SRCS SHANKHNAAD event.
Date:- 18th March 2024
Day:- Monday
Timings :- 7:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.
Team SRCS Agra